"First, you see the world in black and white. After a while, you begin to see the shades of gray. And if you but have the courage to try, you then get to see all the colours of the rainbow." My philosophy of life
"First, you see the world in black and white. After a while, you begin to see the shades of gray. And if you but have the courage to try, you then get to see all the colours of the rainbow." My philosophy of life
Terrific articles, Eloise! Thank you for noting them -- they're important at all times, but particularly pertinent to me right now because I'm girding my loins to reply to a despicable column in the Apex blog. I wrote about it on the blog yesterday: Standing at Thermopylae. I bet you will like the art I chose... *smile*
For I come from an ardent race
That has subsisted on defiance and visions.
Remember the bit of dialogue that went with the last scene:
Aragorn: You have some skill with a blade.
Eowyn: The women of this country learned long ago, those without swords can still die upon them. I fear neither death nor pain.
Aragorn: What do you fear, my lady?
Eowyn: A cage. To stay behind bars until use and old age accept them and all chance of valor has gone beyond recall or desire.
Aragorn: You are a daughter of kings, a Shieldmaiden of Rohan. I do not think that will be your fate.
Would that all men were open-minded like Aragorn!
"First, you see the world in black and white. After a while, you begin to see the shades of gray. And if you but have the courage to try, you then get to see all the colours of the rainbow." My philosophy of life
I chose the one of Gandalf for several reasons: he doesn't wear any armor; he looks so small yet indomitable against his huge adversary; and given the angle, it could be a woman or a man facing the Balrog. In some ways, I identify with him because he's older... as I am myself! *smile*
For I come from an ardent race
That has subsisted on defiance and visions.
I really hope that the show's producers will read that article! And I totally agree with their suggestion for the title character, too...
"First, you see the world in black and white. After a while, you begin to see the shades of gray. And if you but have the courage to try, you then get to see all the colours of the rainbow." My philosophy of life